India Project
Bal Siddhanath Vidyalaya School, Village Belsar, Taluka Puranadar, District Pune
There are 178 children (Boys-78 and Girls-100) in this secondary school.
There is a high level of poverty, unemployment and a lack of education amongst the parents in this village as about 90% of the parents are labourers.
This school was identified as they have the existing infrastructure to support the addition of a computer room.
There is a dedicated room, they have some previous experience of having computers, there is internet access and some of the teachers are digitally literate.
Girls up to 10th Standard (secondary school) receive free education and for Boys it costs £5 a year.
The village is 45km from Pune which allows the India Rainbow Boosters team to also support this school in person.
UK Project
UK Project Pending